Monday, January 4, 2010

Made Me Realise Who Am I....

I remember the day I was brought to this world. There was smile on everybody's face. They cuddled me, took my care, and gave me food.
I was given a name, I was very little then. As the days passed by I started growing like everyone does!! :P

I started getting along with people of different age groups. My ancestors gave me strong roots. I grew straight and true.

When I reflect back on those days when I used to play with kids. It makes me feel happy.

Now, I have grown taller and stronger. Many depend on me in their life when they are filled with dark clouds on their head.

I love serving my responsibilities. I love them all.

Today I am feeling sad. I lived so long all these years but today I'm being cut into pieces because they want to make broader roads and develop the city. They made me realise I'm a TREE..!! :(

But I'm happy serving my responsibilities even to those people who brought an end to ME..!!

Your loving

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